In case any of you are wondering whatever happened to powerpuff - the originator of this very blog - I just wanted to let you all know that he is alive and well. Of course, I’m just humoring myself. There isn’t anybody out there wondering about powerpuff. There isn’t anybody out there period. It is a lonely world out here in Blogville. I keep on writing because I enjoy it, but really, who reads this stuff besides my friends? And I force them to read it.
But anyway, back to powerpuff. He lives a busy life. He has a family, kids, a job, you know, responsibility, and he still manages to sneak in some gaming when he has the chance. He’s a real hardcore gamer, because he has to work at finding time for it, not like the younger blokes that can devote all their time to it and have their parents pony up the cash for their expensive hobby. Yeah, when you don’t have to pay a mortgage, electricity, water, phone, cable, car, insurance and credit card debt, gaming is what you do to pass the time, not what you try to make time to enjoy, like us gamers with jobs (great site by the way, check it out). I guess I fall somewhere in the middle. I have my full-time job, my lovely girlfriend and we have our mortgage and bills to pay as well. No kids yet, so that leaves lots of extra leeway when trying to squeeze in the gaming. Not to mention that my girl is super cool about letting me play.
But I’m veering off topic again. Good old powerpuff. Powerpuff and I were going to take the ultimate gaming pilgrimage next summer. We had our sights set on the mother of all gaming shows, E3. Our imaginations ran wild with all the possibilities. But, our “great journey” (a lil’ something for the Halo fans) will be put on hold. Powerpuff is going back to school next year to get his masters, meaning, he’ll have even less time to devote to gaming. Poor bastard. I see him living vicariously through me for the next couple of years, as I’m filling him in on my gaming experiences, X-Box 360, PS3, etc. But, I just want to say, good for him. He’s going to be pursuing what we all want: working in a field you have a genuine interests in. In his case, Medicine. I wish him the very best. I’m sure he’ll chime in now and again to discuss some gaming, because it’s in his blood. This is not something you can get rid of or “out grow”. Gaming is a part of us and we’re stuck with it for the long haul.
And our E3 trip hasn’t been cancelled. Just postponed. We’ll get there. Whether it’s the following year, or for the unveiling of PS4, we’ll be there. You can bet on it!
There is No End
10 years ago