It happened very quickly. I went from not really caring about Dead Space, to eagerly anticipating its release. All in the span of a week and a half. I've been playing the game for about four days now (360 version) and I am approximately halfway through it. Here are some impressions.
First, these are the conditions I have been playing with and I think they are essential for getting maximum enjoyment from the game.
1 - Playing at night with all the lights off. This is the key factor when playing a game of this type.
2 - When at all possible, play when nobody else is home. Makes you feel isolated. Not as essential, but it does help. :)
3 - I've been playing with quality headphones (Sennheiser HD650's). A quality surround-sound set-up will work just as well, but I really like the intimacy that the headphones provide. Playing this game with regular tv speakers is a crime.
4 - (Optional) I decided to play through the game on Hard. This greatly increases the tension you feel when traversing the eerie hallways and locales of the Ishimura (the ship you are in). Every enemy encounter can mean death and ammo/health become even more precious.
Number 1 on that list is key, but combine them all and I guarantee you'll have a good time (if you like being scared . . . which I do).
I immediately knew I was going to enjoy the game from its opening sequence. Something about it just caught my attention. I was very impressed from a technical standpoint. The character models looked great and the scene drew me in. Once in control of my character, again, I was impressed. It "felt" right. The games first "action" sequence really got my adrenaline flowing and freaked me out at the same time. I won't ruin it, but I let out an audible "yelp!" towards the end. It was great!
At this point I have to say, even though all reviews have complimented the game's graphics, I still feel they have short changed it. I personally think this is one of the best looking titles I have played this generation. The engine running this game is very impressive. Everything comes together: great geometry (characters and environments are created with lots of detail), great textures, fantastic lighting, realistic physics, and best of all, a smooth frame-rate. Then there are all the cool effects, such as the holographic inventory and map, as well as holographic computer monitors, etc. I cannot express how cool these look. Then there are the small details, like Isaac (your character) slightly turning his head as you navigate your inventory. The sequences that take place outside on the ship's hull in the vacuum of space are fantastic. It just feels like you are actually in space. A great combination of the visuals and the audio coming together to create the effect. And I love the seeing the air get sucked out of a room when you open a door leading to the outside. Just a great detail. And that is one of the things that has impressed me the most so far with the game, just how much polish and attention to detail it has. It is in sharp contrast to the last two games I have played, BiA: Hell's Highway and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, both of which had numerous graphical issues and just generally lacked the type of care and "spit and polish" that Dead Space showcases at every turn.
The game, as expected, is also terrifying to play. Especially if you meet all those conditions I listed above. I found myself inching my way forward, having my weapon ready upon opening every door or turning every corner. I really felt the dread that your character should be feeling in his situation. The sound only enhances the experience tenfold. I was looking over my shoulder constantly and flinching at the slightest of environmental noises.
The fact that I have a foundation for the story from the animated comics only enhanced my experience. Similar to how reading the Mass Effect novel enhanced my enjoyment of that game, the same can be said about Dead Space. I am even looking forward to the animated flick that will be released at the end of the month. So far I am really intrigued by the story-line and I am curious to see where it goes.
Quick note, playing on Hard is, well, it is Hard. I have died multiply times, including dying a few times against the very first enemy of the game! But it does not feel like cheap deaths, I just haven't reacted well in those scenarios. There are moments when multiple enemies will attack you at once and those sections are brutal. But in a good way.
The much talked about "Strategic Dismemberment" is cool. Very satisfying. And leads to an extremely graphic game. There is a lot of blood and guts in this baby and it wears its "M" rating proudly. Definitely not a game for the kiddies.
I am halfway through the game and I am very impressed so far. As of right now this is my 2008 Game of the Year (of course, this is the time of year when all the good games come out, Dead Space just happens to be the first). Again, the developers seem to have gotten almost everything right and they really took their time with this one.
I cannot recommend this game enough.