I mentioned in an earlier post that I picked up Super Mario Advance: Super Mario Bros. 2, SMA 2: Super Mario World, and SMA 3: Yoshi's Island for the DS (they are actually GBA titles). In between sessions of Professor Layton and the Curious Village, I've been spending some time with them.
Before I start with impressions though, there is one thing I want to point out. Since these are actually GBA titles that I am playing on a DS Lite, I've come across a slight annoyance with the controls. The GBA only had two face buttons, B and A. The layout of those had the B button slightly lower than the A button, but not by much. Mario games require constant use of the B button in conjunction with the A button. The standard practice is to hold down the B button with your thumb and when you need to jump with A, you just adjust your thumb slightly so that you press down on A without having to release B.
The DS however has four face buttons. B, A, Y, X, just like the SNES Pad. Unlike the GBA, the DS has the B button much lower than the A button. As a result, trying to hold down B with your thumb and then adjusting to press A is downright painful at first, and just plain annoying after you get used to it.
"New Super Mario Bros." on the DS remedies this by just swapping B with Y, and A with B. This works like a charm. Of course, when these GBA titles were created, there was no DS on the horizon, so there is no option to configure the controls, and even if there was, the cartridges wouldn't know of any X or Y button. So, controlling these games takes some adjustment and it is just not as comfortable as it could be. Anyway, now that I got that of my chest, on to the games . . .
Super Mario Bros. 2
This is the black sheep of Mario games. Technically it is not even a true Mario title, hence why it stands out as being so different from every other game in the series. I have a really soft spot for this game though. As a kid growing up, I was limited to getting only two games a year. One for my birthday and another for Christmas. That's it. I had to rent or borrow all the other games I played. This was one of the titles I actually owned and I played it to death. And I loved it.
This is an enhanced version, with improved graphics and remixed sound. I've played through a few of the worlds and the nostalgia is great. I have been frustrated with the controls however. And not the problem I mentioned above. I am missing jumps, and constantly falling off vines/chains/ladders while climbing. Not sure if it is the DS d-pad, but I am having few issues.
Experiencing the game now as an adult, I can see some of the complaints people have with the game. I am still having a good time, but it doesn't really have that Mario feel to it. I mean, you jump on an enemy and he doesn't die, you just ride on his head?!
Super Mario World
Ah, Super Mario World. My favorite 2D Mario title. I was obsessed with this title on the SNES. I loved its look, the Mode-7 effects, the vibrant colorful graphics, the great score. The gameplay was perfect as well, with the series' trademark pinpoint controls and feel. This was also Yoshi's first appearance. The game also had a crazy amount of levels and many, many secrets. Any level marked with red on the world map had two different ways to beat it and finding these alternate exits resulted in secret pathways and additional levels.
This port is spot on. This is the tile which I have been spending most of my time with so far. I just can't put it down. Since this was a SNES games, it also utilizes a few extra buttons (first time a Mario game used more than 2). Mario could do an alternate jump which causes him to spin like a top. This is used to destroy certain blocks below you, or dispose of certain enemies. Again, since this is a GBA title, this action is performed by pressing the R trigger. The original game performed this move by pressing the X button, and while the DS does have an X button, once again, you cannot configure the controls. Shame.
Yoshi's Island
I never played the original on the SNES, even though there are many that considerate it 2D platforming at its absolute best. I haven't really played this title much yet, since I want to really give it my attention and don't plan on starting it until I am done with the other two Mario games. I did pop it in just to make sure it works (bought it used) and played a few levels and really enjoyed it. Can't wait to finally experience this game.
Ok, This post ended up a lot longer than I anticipated. I'm in nostalgia heaven with my DS. I also have Zelda: A Link to the Past waiting for me and I can't wait for that one, since I never completed the game as a kid.