Woke up 5:00 am flew downstairs to the pc to see what new info was posted on the PS3.. I quickly found that Killzone had a video..... I turned it on and began watching and could not believe what I was seeing, the level of detail the movement, the textures, flying over a war ravaged city, you see the remenants of buildings broken and destruction of war all around, one of the transports flying a head of you takes a direct hit from a ground to air missle you the the smoke stream behind it and as it strikes the transport causing it to spin out of control and explode on impact into a building.... this is just the first 20 seconds of Killzone.. Words cant describe what I am seeing, the only game that comes close to the atomoshpere of this game is Call of Duty, but its ten times better, the graphics, the explosions, the chaos leaves you tense, Imagine Saving Private Ryan the first twenty charging up the beach and you get the feeling I am trying to convey... This looks, sounds, and acts, like a next gen game should !!!!!!!!! I kept saying to me self please let this be in game, please it has to be in game graphics.... I was so exicited after viewing this, then reality began to set in, they never mentioned or tried to prove this was a real time in game Killzone demo..... My hopes were quickly dashed, I quickly became angry at Sony for giving us the ulitmate tease without giving us a hint of promise they would deliver..... So now like the rest of the gamers around the world I have to sit wait and hope, that the next 3 days Sony will deliver on its promise... Lets hope they do for our sake....
There is No End
10 years ago
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