Man, it’s hard to be a gamer sometimes. So many choices. So many games. So many systems. So little money.
We’re getting close to the release of the first Next-Gen system, the X-Box 360. That sucker will set me back $400 (‘cause really, what real gamer is going to get that piece-of-shit Core Package). Toss in a game or two (now at the great low price of $59.99) and I’m down $560, counting taxes. Ouch.
But wait, there are still plenty of games for the current systems that I want too! Let’s take a look, shall we?
Far Cry: Instincts -The demo was great. Reviews have been extremely positive. Plus, I love me my FPS’s
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood -Loved the first one, I’ll explain more in a future post
Ninja Gaiden: Black - I’ve been meaning to buy this one since the original was released a year ago!
Half-Life 2 - With all the money I spend on console gaming and dvds, I don’t have the flow to purchase a PC that can play this baby properly, looks like I’ll get my fix on the X-Box.
GTA: San Andreas - Never bought the PS2 version because I was waiting for the X-Box version. Now it’s been out for months and I still haven’t gotten it.
Ghost Recon II: Summit Strike - I have no idea why, but I really want this game.
Blitz: The League - Well, I don’t know if I really want this one yet - I gotta see what the reviews look like - but I like the concept and the graphics look sweet. Not too fond of the 8-on-8 action, but what can you do?
Black - Practically zero info on this one, but those Criterion boys do know their programming.
Jade Empire - Yeah, I’m really behind on some games. This is one of them.
Conker - The original N64 version was one of my favorite games on that system. I want to play it now with the pretty graphics!
Shadow of the Colossus - Read the previous post for my thoughts on this gem.
Metal Gear Solid III: Subsistence - After MGS2's convoluted story, I was turned off my the MG series. But, MGSIII’s great reviews have rekindled my interest. Since this upgraded version of the game is coming out, I’m waiting for it.
Zelda: Twilight Princess - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Ocarina of Time is my favorite game of all time, so this is a no-brainier. Plus, it might just be the last normal, playable Zelda released - have you seen that dvd remote control Nintendo is trying to pass off as a game controller? They are a zany bunch I tellz ya!
So, there you go. I think the grand total of the above it like 10 million dollars. Or maybe it just feels that way. Either way, with a full-time job and girlfriend, when am I going to find the time to play all of the above? Yup, it’s hard to be a game sometimes.
There is No End
10 years ago
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