You know, game companies should really work on releasing demos for their games. All of them. It's one of the best way to make gamers interested in a game they might otherwise overlook. I've personally purchased many games because I've enjoyed their demos so much. Off the top of my head I can think of three (there are many more) I would have never given a second thought too, yet after playing the demo I went out and purchased them.
Hotshots Golf (the original for PS1)
First, I had never bought - or ever even considered - buying a golf video game before this demo. To be honest, I didn't even understand the game of golf and all those "birdies", "eagles" and "tee shots" meant nothing to me. I had no idea how someone with a score of - 4 could beat someone with a score of 5. It just didn't make sense. Then this demo comes along - with deformed cutesy anime characters and offering you the first 9 holes of a course - and I was hooked. Outside its cartoony exterior lies a pretty deep, realistic golf engine. Its simple interface had me playing in minutes and after I was done playing the demo (like 50 times) not only did I run out and buy the game, but now I enjoy the sport of golf. I can actually watch it on t.v. and not fall asleep. I've also purchased many other golf games since, but it all started with Hotshots.
Psi-ops (X-Box)
I had read of Psi-ops in countless magazines and internet sites, but the game never caught my attention. Then I played the demo and I was blown away. I must have messed around in the training room for hours, using my powers of telekinesis to manipulate the environment and toss enemies around, soaking up the fantastic havok physics. It was endless fun!!! When the actual game was released I was pleased to see that the visuals were improved and man was the game gory!!! Head explosions and blood baths ensued, much to my delight. The game's use of psionic powers (especially telekinesis) separated the game from the usual action-fare. Unfortunately, I didn't feel the game lived up to its full potential. Poor level design, especially in the later levels, kept the game from truly excelling. Still, lifting a soldier in the air with your mind and tossing his across the room like a ragdoll and watching him realistically (and painfully) crash against the wall and lifelessly slump down never gets old! Gruesome and satisfying all in one. Man, I sound like a psycho. I really hope a sequel is made for next-gen consoles. There is plenty of potential for this series.
Fight Night Round 3 (Xbox 360)
Much like golf, I had never purchased a boxing videogame. I was a big fan of Mike Tyson's Punch-out on the NES, but I never owned it. I never played the Knockout Kings/Fight Night series, even though they had received great accolades in the past. And while I do enjoy watching boxing on t.v., playing a videogame version of the sport never caught my attention. I then downloaded the FNR3 demo available in the Market Place and I played it ad nauseam. It only consisted of four rounds with the same two boxers (Hopkins and Jones Jr.), but I would play it at last once a day for about a month. The end result? I purchased Fight Night Round 3 on Wednesday, something I would have never done if not for the demo.
So release those demos guys!! (I'm talking to you Ubisoft!!! I want my GRAW demo already!!!)
There is No End
10 years ago
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