Wow, I’ve been slacking with the updates lately (but not as bad as Powerpuff has . . . I kid, I kid). Well, E3 came and went and much to my surprise, I didn’t come away very impressed. This was the E3 Powerpuff and I had initially planned on attending. This was the E3 - that after last year’s - we though would be the E3 to end all E3s. By “we” I mean Powerpuff and I. And yet, after it was over, I don’t know, it seemed a little blah.
Speaking of Sony, talk about a total 180 for them. After they ran away with the show last year (granted, showing nothing but tech demos and CG footage) they sure stunk the place up this year. The $500/$600 price tag was just icing on the cake. I knew the system was going to cost a hefty amount, we’ve all known that for a while, but I guess actually hearing Sony say it aloud was still jarring. And if you thought the Core 360 was a rip-off when compared to the Premium, Sony just 1-upped it. With the 360, the extra $100 gave you a 20gig hard-drive, a wireless controller and a dvd remote. Basically. With the PS3, the extra $100 gives an extra 40 gigs worth of hard-drive space, HDMI support, Wifi support and memory card reader. At least with the Core 360 you can buy the wireless controller, hard-drive and remote, I really don't think you can add HDMI, WiFi or card reader support after the fact for the PS3. Sony surprised everyone with its new controller too. Gone is the batarang, replaced with the same damn model Sony’s been using going on three console generations now. Don’t get me wrong, the dual-shock design was fantastic . . . back in the day. But after trying out the 360's absolutely fantastic controller, the dual-shock just feels extremely dated. Oh, and lets not forget its new motion-control aspect. Taking a page out of the Wii handbook, the PS3 controller is offering up similar capabilities. Unfortunately, to me this just comes off as a desperate attempt to compete with both Microsoft and Nintendo. I may just be talking out of my ass here, but I felt that the motion-control capabilities of the PS3 to be very gimmicky and will be short lived. Of course, I didn’t hold the controller in my hand, didn’t play the Warhawk demo and don’t know how much development Sony has actually put into this aspect of their system, but at least the Wii is making its new control scheme the very basis of its platform, so one is more likely to accept it as more than a gimmick and maybe as the gaming “Revolution” it used to me named after.
While we’re on the subject, I think Nintendo had a fantastic showing at E3 this year. In my eyes they went from “those crazy-ass Nintendo bastards have lost their damned minds”, to “Holy crap they might be on to something here”. All the feedback I’ve heard of how the Wii plays and the feel of the controller has been extremely positive. I can’t wait to try it out for myself. I still see the Wii as not directly competing for dominance in the next generation. Not to say that it won’t do well (hell, it might come out on top with a sub $250 and innovative games), just that they are basically saying “we are offering an alternative way to play games”, and that market might just be bigger than the 360 and PS3 market combined. Nintendo is in a very good position right now. I can easily see many people with a 360 and a Wii, or a PS3 and a Wii, yet not many that can afford a 360 and a PS3. Bottom line, Wii is a very attractive - and affordable - option.
Microsoft had a solid E3, yet I was left wanting more. Gears of War impressed, Mass Effect looks downright fantastic, Rainbow Six Vegas looks like GRAW in Vegas (which is very good thing), Gran Theft Auto 4 will be out on day 1 and they showed a Halo 3 teaser. Not bad. But why was I not totally impressed?
I’ll tell you one reason. All the good stuff was behind closed doors!!!! Going into E3 there were only two things I cared about. I wanted to see actual gameplay of Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway and I wanted to know the full track list for Guitar Hero 2. I got none of those. And for some reason, the most impressive games were only shown behind closed doors. What is up with that? Brothers in Arms developer presentation? Behind closed doors only. Bastards!! I managed to see this footage from a bootleg video and it looks damn impressive, but the quality of the video is terrible. Why didn’t Gearbox just present this to the public? Bioshock was another one. Many are calling it the game of the show . . . dammit, I want to see the impressive footage too!!! Assassin’s Creed. One of the most impressive PS3 games shown. Again, only behind closed doors! What gives people!?!?!?
Sorry, I’m just ranting like the spoiled gamer I am who could not get into E3. :)
And what the hell happened to the Guitar Hero II track list!! I could have sworn I read in an interview they were supposed to reveal it at E3 (and I was waiting for it anxiously), yet nothing. =(
I won't bother mentioning that in all of the E3 coverage I've only seen about 10 seconds of footage for Madden 2007 for the 360. This is the one that is supposed to show off the next-generation of football right? The first one was rushed because of late development kits and trying to make launch wasn't if? Yeah, I'm not holding my breath. Those 10 seconds of footage did now show me anything special aside from some nice field textures. Until EA fixes the completely horrendous tackling system, Madden will never be "next gen" in my eyes.
And that's it. That's my crappy E3 overview. Still waiting for my Guitar Hero II track list and quality footage of BiA: Hell's Highway. Lets see how long the torture lasts.
There is No End
10 years ago
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