Haven't been on here in a while, here's what I have been up to:
- I'm playing through Kameo. The graphics look damn impressive on my HDTV. Gameplay is fun, although nothing jaw dropping. Your typical platformer/adventure fare, although changing to the various characters is fun and unique. I hear the game is not very long, but that is fine, since I don't have much time to play nowadays anyway, a 10 hour game can last me a week or two. Plus Madden is out on 8/22. I'll see if I post more Kameo impressions later.
- I'm also playing Syphon Filther on the PSP. My play time with this one has really been limited. I've only had three sessions of about 15 minutes each, but the game is a lot of fun. Controls take a little getting used to but they work very well considering the PSP only has one analog stick.
- I downloaded Street Fighter II from Live. I do not know if it is because I am rusty or the fact that as great as the 360 controller is its d-pad is shit for this type of game, but I am getting my ass handed to me by the cpu on the default setting. I used to be able to play for hours at the arcade on one quarter and now I am losing pretty badly to the second fighter I face in the single-player game!! I have not even tried to play the game on Live with other players until I figure out what is going on. I think the game is just insanely hard now on default. At least that is what I'm telling myself so my ego doesn't get shattered.
- The Dead Rising demo is pretty cool. I never really cared for this game before. I love the premise - Dawn of the Dead the game - but I wish the game had a more serious take on the subject and be more of a survival/horror game than the almost comical approach it takes. But, that's the intention of the developers so I can't fault the game too much for it. Like I said, the demo is pretty fun. Doesn't look like a purchase for me though.
That's all for now. Still antsy waiting for football season and Madden so Powerpuff and I can go at it. I predict the first game we play will end in a victory for me, 35-13. Sorry Powerpuff, I call 'em like I see 'em. :p
There is No End
10 years ago
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