I beat Double Agent a few days ago. Overall, it was fun. But it didn't really feel like a "next gen" experience. It felt like I completed a prettier version of Chaos Theory. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I could have used a little more. The 2nd half of the game was pretty damn good though.
Overall, I give the game an 8. How does that compare with my other 360 experiences? Lets find out!
I love giving games ratings! Lots of meaningless ratings based on nothing more than my gut feeling!! I'm going to rate all my 360 games and give them an overall score. Why? Because it is loads of fun. Hopefully I can remember all the games I own, since I'm not at home right now to look at my collection.
CoD 2 - 8.5 (This game is just solid. Runs fast, controls perfect)
PDZ - 6.5 (At times, this game screams next gen. Other times, it screams "blah". The controls suck)
Madden 2006 - 4.5 (I've spoken enough about this game)
Fight Night - 7.5 (this could have gotten a much higher score if the career-mode was not complete shit)
GRAW - 8 (Stupid teammate A.I. and its abysmal lobby system keeps this one from getting a 9)
Oblivion - 9 (Maybe the best game on the 360 so far. Definitely the most value for your dollar)
Table Tennis - 7 (Solid game, but severely lacking in modes and options. Gameplay is terrific though)
Kameo - 7.5 (Kameo was fun and gorgeous, even it not terribly memorable)
Condemned - 7.5 (Atmospheric and scary, although the mechanics did get tiresome after awhile)
PGR3 - 8.5 (Beautiful, fast, and fun. If I wouldn't prefer sim racers, this one would have gotten a 9)
NBA 2K7 - ? (Aside from the game's 24/7, I have not played it much. Maybe when the NBA season starts)
Madden 2007 - 7.5 (Big improvement over 2006, but still not where this series needs to be)
And now, for some Arcade titles:
Doom - 8 (It is Doom. It is fun. Imps must die!)
Texas Hold 'Em - 8 (I hear many complaining about this game. Maybe it is because I'm new to poker, but I enjoyed it. Plus, it was free!)
Geometry Wars - 8 (Simple and addicting. Pretty snazzy effects too. Will I ever reach One million points?)
SFII - 7 (The Arcade mode is just way too hard!!! Plus, the 360 pad sucks for this game. Shame.)
Wik - 7 (Strange little game. Fun in shorts burst.)
Smash TV - 6 (Fun with a friend, hard as hell, and ugly like a mo' fo'!)
I just pulled all those scores out of my ass. Give me this same list in a week and I'll probably think up totally different scores on the fly. But not by much. So, Oblivion is my favorite 360 game? Interesting. I didn't even know that. Looks like this excercise served a purpose afterall. I definitely have logged more hours into Oblivion than any other 360 game. Hell, I think I've logged more hours into Oblivion than any other game period. Yet I haven't played it in months and I still have a long way to go to complete it. I really do hope to beat it one day.
Now to decide what to do about November. Guitar Hero II, Gears of War, Rainbow 6: Vegas, CoD3, and F.E.A.R. I can probably pass on F.E.A.R. Depending on the reviews, I can hold off on CoD3. But I do not see anyway of me not getting the other three.
Emergence day cannot get here soon enough.
There is No End
10 years ago
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