Last night I went to a screening of Rocky Balboa. I'm a pretty big fan of the original Rocky movie and as a kid I used to watch all the sequels whenever they were on. None could match the original though. When Rocky V came out however, it made a serious dent in an otherwise solid series. Seemed like a terrible way to end it.
So, when I heard that a 6th movie was coming out I was thinking to myself, "Damn it Sylvester, didn't you tarnish this series enough already? You should have stopped with IV!!!"
Well, it turns out that the movie is a lot better than I was expecting. Granted, I wasn't expecting much.
It moves slow in places (especially the first half) and it greatly relies on nostalgia and the viewer's memories of the earlier movies to work properly though. If those were fond memories, it added to the flick. If they were not (or if a viewer hasn't seen the earlier ones) then I do not think the movie is as effective. Since I am a fan, it worked for me. Sylvester's best character has always been Rocky and that trend continues. He plays him perfectly and you can't help but like him. The movie also definitley feels closer to the original than any of its sequels.
My biggest complaint with the flick is the same complaint I have had with every single Rocky film, and that is that the boxing is always so unrealistic. It bothers me that every single punch thrown, lands solidly. How these boxers become world champions with zero defense is beyond me. But that is Hollywood for you.
Overall I give the movie a 7 out of 10.
There is No End
10 years ago
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