I've been playing Lost Planet for a few days now and I am having a great time.
If you've played the demo you have a pretty good idea what to expect. Intense action, superb graphics and a good layer of polish.
As most reviews have been saying, the game's story won't win any awards, although so far, it is not as bad as they made it seem. I'm having no trouble keeping up with what is happening and the cut scenes are well directed. The voice acting is even very good, although the script itself is lacking.
Graphically, the game looks fantastic. Huge environments, great character models, and some truly fantastic effects. The game runs silky smooth no matter how much chaos is on-screen, and believe me, there is PLENTY of chaos going on most of the time.
The controls take a bit getting used to. Lots of unconventional aspects to it such as reloading by clicking the right analog stick, zooming in with the d-pad and using the bumpers to turn 90 degrees in a direction (a must learn technique). Some might also find it awkward that moving the right analog stick does not immediately move the camera as is the norm in a third-person shooter. This might give the game's controls a slow or sluggish feel for some. But once you get used to it, it is a fantastic set-up in my opinion and I've had very few issues with it.
Gameplay-wise the game is a total blast. It is pure all-out action and it does a very good job at keeping your adrenaline flowing and pulse racing. Huge battles and even bigger bosses come at you at a fevered pace. I have not experience such tense action on my 360 since CoD2 (no, not even GoW's battles were this intense)
So far, 10 missions in, the game just seems to be getting better and better. Granted, it is a one trick pony. You fight a ton of enemies and advance down a pre-determined path, but it does a very, very good job job at what it does. I haven't beaten it yet and I am already thinking about playing through it again, it is just solid fun.
Good job Capcom. Now, for the sequel, let us use the gappling hook while jumping okay?
There is No End
10 years ago
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