I have yet to purchase a PS3 game (and don't plan on buying one anytime soon, unless The Show is solid), but a buddy of mine let me borrow Resistance and I've been playing that for about a week now.
Since I have also been playing CoD3 for a long time (in instalments), when I initially fired up Resistance I was completely unimpressed. It just seemed like more of the same and I began to wonder if I had overdosed on First-Person Shooters.
Now that I'm about 75% in (I'm comepletely guessing here), I've actually enjoyed the game quite a bit. It is a lot of fun. It has enough of a twist to the normal WWII formula to make it seem fresh. The story is intruiging and the game plays extremely fast.
It doesn't offer any huge leaps forward for the genre, but I am enjoying it a lot more than CoD3.
Graphically this game doesn't showcase anything that you wouldn't expect the 360 to handle, but it is not a bad looking game by any stretch of the imagination. If I had one negative it would be that the game looks a little "soft" and the color palette is a bit drab, but I'm assuming that is an artistic choice.
Definitely not a Halo-killer (or even a Gears of War killer) but a solid, fun title and probably the only game still worth owning in the PS3's line-up.
There is No End
10 years ago
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