If we are honest with our selves, the current next gen consoles are essentially PC gaming machines with the ability to connect to our large beautiful HDTV's from the convienence of our family room couches. With the upcoming May 7th update for the xbox live dashboard, which will now include msn instant messenger support. The convergence of these two gaming platforms is coming closer to fruition. PC gamers for the longest time have had the ability to play games in high resolution, while listening to their own music, chat via instant messenger, download game demo's, etc., all via one machine. For some strange reason Microsoft does not want their next gen consoles compared with PC's, why? Microsoft has now just finally agreed to release a keyboard attachment to its controller. It is time for Sony and Microsoft to admit they are reinventing PC Gaming right under the noses of the PC game makers. The problem with all these PC like features coming to the consoles is this, most homes have just one HDTV. Can you hear the arguments now? Mom !! Terri is IM'ing her friends using the television and I want to watch a movie !!! While Johnny Jr. wants to play Halo 3, get the picture. Don't get me wrong I would love the conveniences of surfing the net from my television, but the reality is most homes do not have the money for multiple HDTV sets.
So to answer the question, is PC gaming dead, the answer is yes and no. The value and convenience of PC's being used a multiple electronic entertainment machines cannot be matched by any of the current consoles today. Until the prices for HDTV's drop and game makers stop making minimal PC's called consoles, I believe we will see pc gaming around for a long time. Lets not forget about Laptops which are combined HDTV's with consoles. These laptops are now cheaper and more powerful than ever before. I see game consoles morphing into the gaming PC's for the family room. With the future of current PC gaming going to the convenience of laptop computers.
There is No End
10 years ago
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