Gametrailers has a few videos of Madden 2008 in which the developers talk about what is new in this year's game. The "big" thing this year is the new branching animation system, which lets you interrupt animations at any point to give players extra control over their players. That is a great idea. However, from the videos, I'm not sure it is being implemented very well. Actually, I shouldn't say that, since I have not played the game. I'm sure controlling your player feels more responsive now, but holy hell, it looks to me like the animation has taken a HUGE step back as a result.
Everything I saw in the videos regarding player movement looked completely unnatural. These animations are far from life-like. Madden has always been a few steps behind 2K animation-wise, but after hearing about this new system and the improved player interaction, gang-tackling, and mid-air collisions, I was hopeful it would push Madden forward, since that has always been my biggest gripe with the game. But wow, it just does not look like football. It also does not help that in every video the person playing would drop back 20 yards with their QB, run to the sidelines, and throw a rocket down the field. Typical Madden gameplay. Completely unrealistic.
The game comes out in a few weeks, I'm curious to see what they say about it. And by "they" I of course do not mean sites like, IGN, Gamespot, etc., I mean people that know what they are talking about in sports games, like Operationsports.
I know I say it every year and end up caving in, but Madden does not look like a purchase for me this year (Ok fine, there is a good chance I will cave, I have no will power, but I am really going to try).
Quick note, after I was done watching all those Madden videos I popped in APF 2K8 and have never been more impressed with how this game looks than I was last night. I might have thought it was a bit on the ugly side the first time I ever played it, but after 15 minutes of Madden's terrible animation, I was so grateful to have APF. It really is a night and day difference.
There is No End
10 years ago
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