Looking back 2007 was a great year for the video game industry as well as for its many fans. The xbox360 and Wii continued its growth providing various ways for gamers and non-gamers to keep themselves entertained for many hours, while the Sony PS3 continues to lagg way behind.
Clearly the xbox360 has turned into the hardcore gamers choice of the three consoles. With the 2007 release of games such as Rainbow 6 Vegas, Ghost Recon 2 Advance Warfighter, HalfLife 2 Orange Box, Bio Shock, Halo 3, COD 4 and Mass Effect These great games have clearly propelled the 360 forward. But how will 2008 fair for the 360, with no particular title showing the promise of last years predecessors. 2008 maybe Sony's perfect opportunity to finally establish itself as a major player with the PS3. Now that Bluray appears to be winning the DVD format war, and titles such as Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2 are finally being released this year. If I were Sony, I would make 2008 a new relaunching of the PS3. By not only releasing quality games, but improving their online service and multiplayer games. Xbox live has contributed to the success of the 360 just as much as the hardware and game software. Deep inside I am rooting for Sony to succeed knowing that competition creates and environment for better games, where we all win. Can this be the year that Sony's PS3 makes a turn around, time will tell.
There is No End
10 years ago
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