I've been able to spend some time listening to both my Ultrasone HFI 700's and my Sennheiser HD650's. They still have plenty of "burn-in" time left, but I've been thoroughly enjoying both! Connected to the Microstack, they sound just fantastic! A big upgrade from my a/v receiver.
It is amazing just how different headphones can sound. The HFI 700 and HD650 sound completely different from each other. I can't say I really have a preference yet, since I've gone through phases where I like one over the other and then change my mind. At the moment, I am in my HFI 700 phase, although last week it was the HD650's that held my attention.
Right now the 700's sound fantastic to me, extremely detailed and just about perfect. When I listen to my 650's now they sound a little veiled and not as sharp (this is something Sennheiser's are known for). But last week it was just the opposite. The 650's were spot on, very detailed, and not fatiguing at all; The 700's sounded too bright, very fatiguing (after an hour or so I had to take them off) and the closed nature of the cans gave the music an echo-y effect.
I now understand why most headphone enthusiasts recommend having more than one headphone and choosing headphones that compliment each other by having different sound signatures. I'm sure in another week or so, the 700's will begin to sound bright again and I'll long for the warmer more natural sound of my 650's.
But regardless of the "mood" I am in, both cans have brought my music to life like never before. For a while now I have not really "listened" to music. Not like I used to when I was in high school and would pop in a cassette tape (man, I'm old) and lay down on my bed with my stereo
next to me and just listen. For many years now music has always been present in the background, but rarely the center of attention. I listen to cds while I am driving, but . . . well, I am driving. I put on music at home when I am cleaning or cooking, and while I'll sing along and bob my head, the music does not have 100% of my attention. When we have parties and get-togethers, music is always on and people will dance or sing along, but we're also drinking, eating, talking, laughing, and socializing. The music greatly enhances the mood, but it is only one
element of many coming together to create the atmosphere.
But ever since getting my headphones, I have been spending time with my music again. And JUST my music. I am not performing any other tasks; I am sitting on my couch, lights dimmed, cd playing, eyes closed, and just listening. And it is amazing.
I am enjoying music more now than I ever have and I chalk it all up to headphones. I believe a good set of headphones creates a connection between you and the music that cannot be achieved through speakers. There is nothing between you and the music. No ambient noise, no room
acoustics coming into play, nada. I highly recommend everyone to give it a try.
Alright, I've turned my videogame blog to a audiophile blog. Sorry. :)
There is No End
10 years ago
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