May 14, 2008

Haze demo impressions

I played the Haze demo the other night.  Pretty big file.  I was not able to finish it because Dancing with the Stars started and Jeanette quickly kicked me off the tv.  :\
I'll finish the demo tonight, but my initial impressions with the 15 minutes I played were pretty underwhelming.  For a much delayed PS3 exclusive, the graphics are average at best.  The colors are muted, the lighting is bland and the game appears to be running at sub-HD resolution (it really did not look very sharp on my tv).  Then there are the small details.  Or lack thereof.  Just one example: you are in a jungle level with a squad of teammates.  When they run past or brush up on the foliage, they go right through it.  As a comparison, in the opening level of Halo 3 which also takes place in a jungle environment, all the foliage reacts to your squads interactions.  This is the next generation, this is the kind of details I expect.
I know, I am anal.  But I love the small details.
The use of nectar is intriguing (it enhances your combat abilities, and you can supposedly overdose on it if you are not careful) but from what I hear, you actually lose this ability early in the game, so not sure how it will play after that.
Either way, I've only played if for 15 minutes, but my initial impressions were not very good.

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