- I am 3 puzzle pieces away from completing Braid. If you haven't taken the plunge yet, dig into your pockets and cough up the 1200 MS Points for this game. Please. The game is a true gem. I've spent $60 on games that aren't a third as brilliant as this one. Support these type of games folks, or we'll be over-run with unoriginal, by-the-numbers crap!
- Still plugging away at Hot Shots: Out of Bounds. I'm really enjoying the game. I tried the new Tiger Woods demo and I don't know, I find Hot Shots to feel more authentic. Bizarre, I know. But, aside from the cutesy characters and over-the-top courses, the Hot Shots golf engine and physics are pretty deep. I also feel that you have to plan your shots out more in Hot Shots than in Tiger Woods. Especially while putting. I sometimes take over a minute evaluating the green in HS before a big put. You have great control of the camera and various angles and you have to actually calculate your shot. In Tiger, you have extremely limited control in evaluating the green and you mostly rely on a "Putt Preview" that shows you exactly where the put will go and then adjust from there. I just don't get the same satisfaction sinking a long put in Tiger as I do when I nail one in Hot Shots. Maybe that is just me.
I do like the analog swing mechanic of Tiger and playing in real-world courses has me intrigued. I might end up picking Tiger up eventually, especially since I believe Gabe is getting it as well. Of course, I am still waiting for my Hot Shots rematch!
- I still pop in MLB: The Show every now and then to continue my starting pitcher career. I am now by my 3rd year and with the Houston Astros organization. I felt bad leaving my Marlins when my contract expired after my second year, but I wanted a Championship and the Marlins weren't heading that way anytime soon. Looks like my decision has paid off. The Astros have made it to the World Series and we're about to enter game 6 leading 3-2. And of course, I am starting game 6. I hope I go the distance (and win), otherwise I think I might miss out on the "celebrating" if we win the game after they pull me. Something I hope they work on for next year's version.
- Then of course there is Madden. I've had my up and downs with Madden so far. Now that I have a few more games under my belt, I am getting used to its animations and gameplay, so I am comparing it less and less to APF in my head and trying to judge it on its own. I've been playing exhibition games for now and spending a lot of time on the practice field. I don't want to start a franchise until updated rosters are out, as the current one still does not have Pennington on the Dolphins. I might have to wait until the first week of the actual season to be able to jump into franchise.
Might be a good thing because I am still doing lots of slider tweaks (damn you EA for not including CPU sliders!!! Worst design choice ever!) and trying to see what quarter length produces the most realistic stats.
At the moment, I am enjoying the game again for the most part. Will add some updated gameplay impressions later.
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