Well, the Miami Dolphins gave me a great Christmas present by defeating the Jets, winning the AFC East, and advancing to the playoffs for the first time since 2001.
Wow, what a season! We went from 1-15 a year ago, to hosting a playoff game this coming Sunday. That is just crazy. I don't think it is the bias in me talking, but Tony Sparano should be coach-of-the-year. And while we're at it, Chad Pennington for MVP!!! Sure, plenty of other QBs put up better numbers, but you can make an argument that no other player was more valuable to the success of their team than Chad was to the Dolphins. Thank you Brett Favre for not retiring!!!
On the gaming front, I played through Uncharted: Drake's Fortune again. After seeing the trailer for the sequel and reading Game Informer's preview, I got the urge to give it another spin. Great game.
I also played some Far Cry 2 and CoD4.
Far Cry 2 is great in small doses. During long sessions I tend to get tired of all the traveling and roadblock skirmishes. But in smaller chunks it is lots of fun.
Playing CoD4 was humiliating. I am extremely rusty. During the beta and when the game first came out, I was consistently one of the top players on my team, sometimes of the entire match. I was totally stinking it up this weekend. In my best match I had about 10 kills with 3 deaths. Most of the time I wouldn't make it to double digit kills and had as many deaths as kills (or worse). I really enjoy this game and want to get back into top form, but I fear I just don't play it enough to keep up with all these players that spend all their time with it.
Last, I just received Prince of Persia, which I had ordered from Amazon last week for $39. Can't beat that. It is the collector's edition too. Will try it tonight.
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