Well, the Dolphins' magical season has come to an end. It was a great ride, but the Ravens made sure that the best team advanced. Not to take anything away from my Phins, they had a phenomenal year and far exceeded everyone's expectations. I am swelling with pride today and looking forward to next season with hope for a change.
But there was no doubt that the Ravens were the better team yesterday. Their defense was absolutely suffocating. I was intimidated by them and I was sitting on my couch with a beer in my hand. They were everywhere and had an answer for everything we threw at them. Ed Reed is not human. How he sniffed out his second interception is beyond me. He was nowhere near the spot of the int when the play started. He read Pennington perfectly.
Speaking of Pennington, shame that he had the game that he had, because really, we wouldn't even have been playing yesterday if not for Pennington's amazing work this season. So, a week after the Dolphins set an NFL record for fewest turnovers, we turn it over 5 times in one game. Ouch.
But after the initial pain of yesterday's loss subsided, I was left with nothing but appreciation for this team. Yesterday's loss does nothing to erase the unlikely ride they took us on. Thanks guys, we haven't felt that down here in years!
On another note, I actually saw two movies in theaters this weekend. Since it seems like I have been averaging going to theaters about 4 times a year lately (thank you Netflix!), two in one weekend is a record.
And both titles were great. I saw "Doubt" and "Slumdog Millionaire."
"Doubt" has some truly amazing performances. Meryl Streep really is the best actress in Hollywood. She is always so natural you forget she is acting. Phillip Seymour Hoffman also turns in a great performance (I love this guy).
I'm sure many of you have never even heard of "Slumdog Millionaire", but it was great movie. Its premise seems a bit odd, and watching the trailer didn't convince me that it is a movie I'd enjoy, but I am glad I went to see it. The theater was sold out too! Go figure.
Last, I began to play Fallout 3 this weekend. Will put up impressions in a separate post.
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