January 17, 2007

My Favs

Over the past month I have purchased and played Gears of War and Rainbow 6 Vegas. I have to say while Gears of War ups the notch for console first person shooters in the graphical department. I was a bit disappointed with the overall depth of the game. Sure there were memorable moments in the game, meeting the Berserker for the first time, nearly soiling myself... Do not get me wrong, the coverage system is great, and your team mate AI is pretty good. But, as I played I always felt as something was missing. The enemies were very repetitive. The limited use of vehicles was also a disappointment. Multiplayer for the most part was your typical run and gun...
Rainbow 6 Vegas on the other hand, was the tactical game I was really looking forward to. The only minor annoyance is the inability to play 4 person split screen.. The coverage system rocks, your team mate AI is top notch, much better then the dreadful GRAW team AI.. I like having to think before I enter a room and think out what you have to do. Playing Coop/Coop Hunt is a blast one person always having to cover another persons back like in real life... The tactial strategy game has me won over, with that I am really looking forward to GRAW 2.

1 comment:

Tanis said...

I think overall I enjoyed GoW's single-player game more than R6's, but I do admit, playing co-op Terrorist Hunt has been an absolute blast!!

I still want to really get into GoW multiplayer. One day.