I am going through one of those periods where I think I have too many games to play. I hate that. I like devoting myself to one game. Ideally, two games, with one of them being a sports title (since those are easy to jump in and out of and break up the monotony of playing other types of games).
It started off that way. Playing DiRT and MLB: The Show 07. As always, I mix in some Guitar Hero II here and there. After great word of mouth and reviews, I picked up Super StarDust HD from the PS Store. A friend let me borrow Prince of Persia 3 (whatever it is called) for the PS2 (playing it on the PS3). I'm also periodically playing Rainbow Six: Vegas single-player again. And last but not least, I picked up Ninja Gaiden Sigma for the PS3.
DiRT - My previous post with impressions was actually written over a week ago. In the last week I have been playing very little of DiRT. As I started getting more and more into The Show, DiRT started taking a back seat.
The Show - I created myself as a closing pitcher and began my career. The game is a lot of fun. Graphically, it does not have the snazzy look of 2K7, but it does have a very clean, sharp look. The animations are great and the commentary is, without a doubt, the best of any sports game I have played.
Playing through career mode is a lot of fun. It is especially fun to be a closer because you come into games late, in save situations, sometimes with runners already on base, and you have to try to save the day. Plus, since you only pitch one inning on average, you can play through multiple seasons in a fraction of the time it would take for other positions.
I just started my 3rd year and I finally made the Marlins' roster (I was working my way up through the minors). The game still has some flaws which I will talk about in a later post, but it is a lot of fun.
Guitar Hero II - I haven't played in a while, but all it takes is for me to hear one of the game's songs on the radio and I'm right back in.
Super Stardust HD - Plays like Colony Wars a bit, mixed with Asteroids. Haven't devoted much time to it, but looks like it could be addictive.
Prince of Persia 3 - Didn't even want to play this one, but I was at my friends house and he had it and I mentioned that I enjoyed the first 2 games (well, the second was only okay) and he just told me to take it. I'm not sure I even want to play through this. I popped it in and the graphics were pretty ugly. At least God of War 2 still managed to impress me visually.
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - Yes, playing through Ninja Gaiden for the like 5th time now. But I can't help it, the game is fantastic!!! The Sigma demo (which I wrote about HERE) convinced me that I needed to play through this action masterpiece one more time.
So far, so good. The game is still as much fun as it ever was. Graphically it looks very nice, although you can tell this game is based on old technology. Some of the textures are still very last-gen looking and a lot of the geometry is still strictly out of the Xbox version. But the game moves at a blistering 60fps and is super sleek.
The new Rachel segments (I've only played two) seem to be an interesting diversion. Her combat mechanics are very different from Ryu's, so it is a nice change of pace. I don't like her running animation though, I think it looks a bit silly.
I'm playing through the game at the default difficulty. I'm now thinking I should have bumped it up (was a harder option even possible in the beginning?), because I am breezing through the game. Sigma seems to be a lot easier than Black was, with more save points and more shops to purchase items. I have not come across a difficult section yet. Of course, I have not battled against Alma yet (that bitch!).
There is No End
10 years ago
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