There was a new PS3 update and a Heavenly Sword demo released last week (I was in Portland). With the update you now have the option of using a wallpaper. A welcome feature.
The Heavenly Sword demo is pretty cool . . . but unbelievably short. The Sigma and Gran Turismo demos were pretty substantial, and with this demo weighing in at 900mb+, I had high hopes of some decent Heavenly Sword gameplay ahead of me. Instead, the demo was over in 10 minutes. It was a fun 10 minutes, but I felt cheated. Even in demo terms it was short. What gives Sony?
After the demo and watching the "Making Of" video available in the PS Store, I am really looking forward to this game. The fighting mechanics are fresh and different and appears to be pretty deep. We'll see. I am not exactly thrilled to have another game I want on the horizon. What do the next few months look like at this point?
Halo 3
Call of Duty 4
Mass Effect
Half-Life 2
Assassin's Creed
I now have to throw Heavenly Sword in there? Great. And I didn't even include all the other games I'm on the ropes about.
There is No End
10 years ago
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