May 27, 2008

Gaming update

In anticipation of Ninja Gaiden 2's release I decided to continue my Sigma campaign, so I spent a few hours with it this weekend.  I still have a few more levels to go, but I had a great time getting back into it this weekend.  I love this damn game.  Can't wait for part 2.
I also picked up Rachet and Clank for the PS3.  I was supposed to pick up Hot Shots Golf so that Gabe and I can play a few holes online, but I completely dissed him and picked up Rachet instead.  Sorry man.
Technically, the game is gorgeous.  Gameplay is typical Rachet fare, meaning, good wholesome fun.  It is pretty straightforward, but the weapons mix it up.  The game also encourages you to use your weapons by making ammo readily available and bolts (the game's currently) more than plentiful.  So far it has not been very challenging, although I did just arrive at a certain planet where I have died more times than I have in the previous 3 combined.
I also played a little bit of GTA IV, but I am at a point where I have two tough missions I have to do and I have failed each one a few times already.  The missions tend to be kinda long, so after I fail them I tend to get frustrated and I stop playing because I do not want to do everything over again.  So, my GTA sessions lately have lasted about ½ an hour, followed by me playing something else immediately afterward out of anger (at myself for failing, not at the game per se).

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