October 23, 2008

And here . . . we . . . go!

The fantastic - but wallet-hurtin' - Fall games season has officially begun.  We're two weeks in and I am already loving/hating it.
Dead Space last week.  Fantastic game.  Still playing it (close to the end now), and my early favorite for GOTY.
This week we have Fable II and Far Cry 2.  I've decided to hold off on Fable II until early next year (or towards the end of December).  Oh course, this is me we're talking about.  I might own it by Saturday.  But I wasn't able to hold off on Far Cry (even though Dead Space has me enthralled), so I picked that one up from Target last night.  Impressions coming in a bit.
Next week we have Fallout 3, and at the moment, despite all the positive buzz, I have this one right along side Fable II on the "saving it for a later time" category.
Little Big Planet comes in the week after that and that is a definite day one purchase for me (I should probably pre-order it just in case).  A week later we get another PS3 exclusive, Resistance 2.  Thanks to the Beta, I might be holding off on this one for a bit as well.  Maybe.  I have a few friends that are getting it and I would love to be able to jump in with them.  We'll see.
Then it gets ugly.  The first 3 weeks of November bring 3 day one purchases for me.  Gears of War 2, then Mirror's Edge, then Left 4 Dead.  Surprisingly, GoW 2 is last on my list from those 3.  I simply cannot wait for Mirror's Edge.
So far December only has Prince of Persia, thankfully (unless I missing something).  That should leave a window open towards the end of the year for either Fallout 3 or Fable II.

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