June 06, 2008

Ninja Gaiden II impressions:

I've played the first few chapters of the game.  Some quick impressions:
- Graphically, it looks similar to Sigma on the PS3 with new animations.  I would have liked a bigger jump for the sequel given the fact that it is jumping from one generation (Xbox) to the next (360).  Don't get me wrong, the game looks far better than the Xbox original, but the graphical style and gameplay are so similar, it comes off as just a high-res/higher polygon upgrade.  The first game set a new level for graphics when it came out.  The sequel does no such thing.
- This game is ultra violent.  Gratuitously so.  All the hacked limbs do work into the gameplay though.  Limbless enemies are especially dangerous, performing devastating suicide bombings on Ryu which pack a wallop of damage.  Taking those wounded enemies out with a press of the Y button is a treat though, since you'll get various killing animations depending on the weapon you are using and the limbs the enemy is missing.
- The controls are basically the same as the previous games.  Combat controls are ultra-refined and feel great.  The rest of the controls, not so much.  Platforming has always felt odd in this series because of Ryu's jumping mechanics and the fact that he clings to walls, making some sections extra annoying when you want to run across a wall but instead run UP the wall and fall down and off a ledge.
- The camera is just awful in this game.  It is even worse than in the original.  Well, I never played the "original", I only played Black and that game gave you a bit more control of the camera.  Still, the camera in Black and Sigma was never this annoying.  You'd think after 2 rehashes they would have improved on the camera.  But you'd be wrong.
- I've already experienced some sections that felt pretty cheap, with enemies hitting me with fire projectiles from what seemed like across the level.  These fire-missiles are unblockable and you can't see them coming.  So damn annoying.  And cheap.
- The combat itself is as solid as ever.  I have only been able to try one new weapon so far, the Wolverine claws.  That is not what they are officially called, but that is what I am calling them.  They are extremely satisfying to yield.
- The quick saving you can do now is great.  Not that saving the game took that long before, but it is even faster now.
I think I have complained more than given praise in these impressions.  Bottom line is that the game is very much Ninja Gaiden.  That might be its biggest negative.  There is not much innovation here.  This feels more like an expansion pack than a true sequel.  The original did such an amazing job of reviving the action genre I guess I was expecting the sequel to do it again.  I wanted something that felt newer, especially after playing through Black and Sigma.
I still have a way to go, so I'll write further impressions later on.  If you're a NG fan, you'll have fun with this one, and have the benefit of not having to go through the learning curve again.  Just jump in and start hacking off those limbs!

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